Construction of superstructures using the balanced cantilever method – fast and dimensionally-accurate

VARIOKIT VBC līdzsvarotas konsoles aprīkojums

Iznomājams, līdzsvarots konsoles aprīkojums tiltu celtniecībai maksimāli īsā laika posmā.

PERI VARIOKIT risinājums līdzsvarotai konsoles konstrukcijai ir kombinācija, kas sastāv no nesošām, speciāli šai būvniecības metodei izstrādātām, sistēmas sastāvdaļām un VARIOKIT pamatkomponentiem, lai pabeigtu nesošo konstrukciju. Pamatojoties uz VARIOKIT inženiertehnisko konstrukciju komplektu, nomājamie sistēmas komponenti ir ātri pieejami. Līdzsvarotās konsoles iekārtas var elastīgi pielāgot, lai pielāgotos plašam tilta šķērsgriezumu un ģeometriju diapazonam.

Produkts darbībā

  • The PERI solution for the cantilever method is a combination of specifically developed system components and VARIOKIT standard parts.
    Būvniecības laika samazināšana

    pateicoties līdz 5,75 m garām betonēšanas sekcijām, kā arī, augstai nestspējai un integrētai hidraulikai.

  • For the realization of the motorway bridge near Tarnow, the construction team achieved a 4 to 5 -day cycle thanks to the easy-to-use mechanical solution. At the same time, the requirements regarding the very low tolerances for the variable bridge cross-section could be fulfilled.
    Izdevīgi projektu risinājumi

    apvienojot iznomājamus sistēmas komponentus, kuru pamatā ir VARIOKIT inženiertehnisko konstrukciju komplekts un specifiska projekta inženierija.

  • The combinability of the balanced cantilever equipment with the PERI UP modular scaffold allows – as part of the comprehensive PERI project solution – modular working platforms and access to all working areas. With a minimum of effort for the construction team, the modular scaffolding can easily be connected to VARIOKIT standard components using simple connection means.
    Drošas piekļuves risinājumi

    visos apstākļos, pateicoties saderībai ar PERI UP moduļu sastatņu komplektu.

Papildus informācija

Construction of superstructures using the balanced cantilever method – fast and dimensionally-accurate
Construction of superstructures using the balanced cantilever method – fast and dimensionally-accurate
The PERI solution for the cantilever method is a combination of specifically developed system components and VARIOKIT standard parts.
The PERI solution for the cantilever method is a combination of specifically developed system components and VARIOKIT standard parts.
With optimized components of the balanced cantilever equipment, up to 5.75 m long segments can be concreted. In addition, VARIOKIT system components are used. As a result, PERI achieves maximum adaptability for different bridge cross-sections.
With optimized components of the balanced cantilever equipment, up to 5.75 m long segments can be concreted. In addition, VARIOKIT system components are used. As a result, PERI achieves maximum adaptability for different bridge cross-sections.
For the realization of the motorway bridge near Tarnow, the construction team achieved a 4 to 5 -day cycle thanks to the easy-to-use mechanical solution. At the same time, the requirements regarding the very low tolerances for the variable bridge cross-section could be fulfilled.
For the realization of the motorway bridge near Tarnow, the construction team achieved a 4 to 5 -day cycle thanks to the easy-to-use mechanical solution. At the same time, the requirements regarding the very low tolerances for the variable bridge cross-section could be fulfilled.
The combinability of the balanced cantilever equipment with the PERI UP modular scaffold allows – as part of the comprehensive PERI project solution – modular working platforms and access to all working areas. With a minimum of effort for the construction team, the modular scaffolding can easily be connected to VARIOKIT standard components using simple connection means.
The combinability of the balanced cantilever equipment with the PERI UP modular scaffold allows – as part of the comprehensive PERI project solution – modular working platforms and access to all working areas. With a minimum of effort for the construction team, the modular scaffolding can easily be connected to VARIOKIT standard components using simple connection means.
Virsbūvju izbūve, izmantojot sabalansēto konsoles metodi – ātri un precīzi.
PERI risinājums konsoles metodei ir īpaši izstrādātu sistēmas komponentu un VARIOKIT standarta detaļu kombinācija.
Ar optimizētajām balansētā konsoles aprīkojuma sastāvdaļām var betonēt līdz 5,75 m garus segmentus. Papildus tiek izmantotas VARIOKIT sistēmas sastāvdaļas. Rezultātā PERI sasniedz maksimālu pielāgojamību dažādiem tilta šķērsgriezumiem.
Automaģistrāles tilta realizācijai netālu no Tarnovas, pateicoties viegli lietojamam mehāniskajam risinājumam, būvniecības komanda panāca 4 līdz 5 dienu ciklā.
Kā daļa no visaptverošā PERI projekta risinājuma līdzsvarotā konsoles aprīkojuma savienojamība ar PERI UP moduļu sastatnēm ļauj izveidot moduļu darba platformas un piekļūt visām darba zonām.
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